The Society received this house as a donation from Rory and Sarah Carrick. After removing an addition to the house, the original structure was moved from its location at Lodge and Sandy Lake Road to its new home in Heritage Park.
The ADA ramp was built by Curt Carpenter as his Eagle Scout project. The porch was built by Kyle Abramson. The house was the home of Erma Ihnfeldt for many years. |
Restoration - 2023
The 850-square-foot house, which was built in 1924. is among Coppell`s oldest remaining residential structures. The City of Coppell is making much needed repairs to the 99-year old home along with some exterior painting at Heritage Park. Until 1999, it was the home of Erma lhnfeldt. She was employed as a receptionist for a Grapevine optometrist and was also an accomplished pianist serving at the First United Methodist Church of Coppell. The house sat on the corner of Sandy Lake Road and Lodge. the house was later owned by the Carrick family who donated it to the Coppell Historical Society. In the middle of the night on February 24, 2016, the house was moved to its current location in Heritage Park.
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The Coppell Historical Society is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization